1 năm có bao nhiêu tuần 2024? Chi tiết số ngày, tuần, quý năm 2024

1 năm có bao nhiêu tuần 2024? Chi tiết số ngày, tuần, quý năm 2024

Surely everyone knows that a year has 365 days (if not leaps) and 12 months. These are numbers that are easy to remember and are mentioned from elementary school level when studying Geography and History. However, not everyone pays attention to whether How many weeks are there in 1 year? if that year is a leap year or a non-leap year. The calculation is not too complicated, on the contrary, it is extremely easy to understand and is completely mental calculation very fast. In today's article, Hoang Ha Mobile will tell you how to calculate the number of weeks in the year, thereby answering in detail questions about the 2024 new year calendar.

Origin and history of the calendar

Calendar (in English, Calendar) is a term originating from Latin, known as a system of measuring time periods. Calendars are often used to represent time cycles, the main and most common unit of measurement is the day. In addition, depending on the type of calendar, they are also used to mark important events and milestones by week, month, quarter and year. Calendars have now become an indispensable daily measure, produced in the form of paper calendars, electronic calendars and calendars on modern technological devices.


The calendar will also let viewers know how many weeks there are in a year, as well as a detailed lunisolar calendar. Each year a new calendar will be released, telling you the day, month, and year details of that year. For example, looking at the calendar, you will know what day of the week it is, what day of the month it is, and what today's solar and lunar calendars look like. Currently, calendars in Vietnam provided to the market also indicate public holidays according to State regulations (usually highlighted in red in the calendar).

However, if you want to know the number of weeks in the year, you cannot spend too much time counting and adding up the total number of weeks in the 12 months on the calendar. There is an extremely faster and more accurate calculation method that calendar viewers may not know about. This calculation method is commonly applied and highly scientific, you just need to remember a few tips to completely understand.

How to calculate how many weeks and quarters there are in 1 year

To calculate the number of weeks in a year, you need to understand the time conventions in a year. Year is a unit of time, understood as one cycle in which the Earth rotates once around the Sun. This cycle takes place continuously, the time to complete one orbit takes about 365 days (and plus a few hours depending on the year). Thus, it can be understood that a year will have 365 days if the year is not a leap year and 366 days if it is a leap year.


Also according to the international standard convention on time, a week has 7 days. So to calculate the number of weeks in the year, you just need to take the total number of days in the year and divide it by 7.

Number of weeks/year = Total number of days/year ÷ 7 (The integer part of the received quotient is the number of weeks)

To summarize, we will normally get the following results for calculating how many weeks there are in a year:

  • A leap year has 366 days, equivalent to 52 weeks with 2 extra days.
  • A non-leap year has 365 days, equivalent to 52 weeks with 1 extra day.
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Similar to calculating the number of quarters in the year, by convention, 1 quarter will include 3 months. Meanwhile, a year has a total of 12 months. So normally, you will calculate that a year has 12/3=4 quarters. You may remember that each quarter corresponds to four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

  • First quarter: From January to March
  • Second quarter: From April to June
  • Third quarter: From July to September
  • Fourth quarter: From October to December

Detailed information about the 2024 calendar

So, you know how to calculate how many weeks and quarters there are in a year. From now on, readers can completely apply the above formula to all years, as long as you know the total number of days in that year and the international standard time conventions such as the number of days in the week and the number of months in the quarter. It can be seen that the year 2023 has passed, giving way to the brilliant new year 2024. Besides, 2024 is also a very special year as it starts on the first day of the week, the 1st day of the year on Monday. This is also a leap year after the cycle every 4 years, so the number of weeks, days, quarters and hours will change compared to normal years.

Total number of days and quarters in 2024

A leap year will have 366 days, 1 day more than a normal year. The conventional cycle is 4 years with 1 leap year. Normally, to know whether a year is a leap or not, people will divide the year by 4. If the year is divisible by 4, it is a leap year, for example 2016, 2020… There are also special cases. are the years of the turn of the century (including two 00s in the year). If the full year of this century is divisible by 400, it is a leap year. Thus, according to the above calculation, we can see that 2024 is a leap year, with February consisting of 29 days.


The number of quarters in the year will not change because a year, whether it is a leap year or not, still includes 12 months. Therefore, 2024 will have a total of 4 quarters similar to other years. The order of quarters and months within the quarter remains the same. Viewers can rely on the number of seasons in the year to remember and calculate quarters more accurately.

How many weeks are there in 1 year? 2024?

So, you clearly understand that 2024 is a leap year, with a total of 366 days. According to the calculation mentioned above, this year there will be 52 weeks and 2 extra days. In particular, the first day of the new year will begin on Monday, and the last day of 2024 will fall on Tuesday. There are many ways to calculate the start and end of the week, and are applied in different countries. Among them, the most popular will be the following 3 main calculation methods:

  • The new week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. This is a widely used calculation method that can be found in many European and Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam also using this calculation method.
  • The new week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. This calculation method is also quite reasonable and is most commonly used in developed countries such as the US, China, Japan, South America, Korea, and Canada. …
  • The new week starts on Saturday and ends on Friday. Surely this calculation will be unfamiliar to many people and sounds unscientific, but it is widely applied and deployed by Middle Eastern and African countries.
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The way to calculate 1 week above, although different in different regions, will not affect the result of calculating how many weeks there are in 1 year. Therefore, you can still apply week calculation formulas anywhere, anytime.

How many hours will there be in 2024?

There are many ways to calculate time in a year, depending on the habits and time conventions that the person remembers. According to standards, 1 hour will be counted as 60 minutes, equal to one rotation of the minute hand on the clock. Besides, 1 day will include 24 hours, equal to 2 rotations of the hour hand on the clock. At this point, to calculate the number of hours in 2024, you just need to multiply the number of hours in a day by the total number of days in the year.


We have the following time calculation formulas:

  • Number of hours in 2024 = 366 days x 24 hours = 8,784 hours
  • Hours in 2024 = (52 weeks x 7 days + 2 days) x 24 hours = 8,784 hours

The second method of calculation is applied when you know how many weeks there are in a year. Although it seems more complicated, with small number multiplication, you can easily calculate mentally than with large number multiplication. In general, depending on the calculation situation and memorization habits, the viewer can choose the most convenient and appropriate calculation method.

Detailed answers to questions about the 2024 calendar

In addition to the total number of days, hours, weeks and quarters in 2024, internet users also have many questions about the annual calendar before the upcoming new year. In the following content, the article will summarize and answer all related questions about 2024, providing readers with the most useful information. You can completely follow the answers below to many questions without having to waste time searching for each answer on Google.

Questions about 2024 calendar information

In addition to questions such as how many weeks are there in 1 year in 2024, the following are questions related to the New Year calendar that are of most interest to many people today.

Question 1: Is 2024 a leap year? Why?

2024 is a leap year with a cycle every 4 years. This year has February 29 and is 1 day longer than last year. The reason is because 2024 is divisible by 4.

Question 2: What year is 2024?

According to the traditional 12 zodiac signs, 2024 will be the year of the Dragon, which is the year of the Dragon – the 5th of the 12 zodiac animals. The dragon is considered an extremely majestic and powerful traditional symbol. Currently, to prepare for the upcoming Lunar New Year, many Dragon-shaped drawings and monuments have been released, promising a truly explosive and reaching year.

Question 3: What is the Lunar New Year calendar in 2024?

According to the lunar calendar, in 2024 there will be Lunar New Year lasting from February 10 to February 12, 2024 (solar calendar), that is, the 1st to 3rd day of January. Previously, the night of the 30th of New Year's Eve will fall on February 9, 2024, and Ong Ong Tao day will be on February 2 (December 23) according to the solar calendar.

Answers to the 2024 Lunar New Year holiday schedule

Top searches for 2024, in addition to “how many weeks in a year” or Tet calendar information, many users are also especially interested in the Lunar New Year holiday schedule according to State regulations. Accordingly, the 2024 Lunar New Year holiday schedule has been officially announced according to Notice 5015/TB-LDTBXH in 2023. It clearly stipulates that:

  • The 2024 traditional Tet holiday schedule includes 7 days, specifically 5 official days off and 2 weekend days off according to regulations of the Ministry of Labor.
  • Officials, civil servants, and public employees working for the State will have a vacation schedule lasting from December 29 (February 8, 2024) to January 5 (February 14, 2024).
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Employees who are not within the scope of work of the State will be entitled to leave according to the employer's regulations, based on the distribution of leave schedules in accordance with issued regulations.

Regarding detailed information, readers can search for Decision on Lunar New Year 2024 holiday schedule to read more about regulations and leave plans for employees and employers.

How many weeks are there in 1 year for the 2024-2025 course?

Not only wondering about the number of weeks in a year, many students and schools also want to learn more about the number of weeks in a school year. Depending on the level of education, the weeks of study in the semester will be different.


Specifically, it can be divided into 3 groups with the following number of weeks of study:

  • From preschool to high school (kindergarten, elementary school, grade I-II-III): Normally, a school year will be divided into 2 main semesters and 1 summer vacation. The first semester starts in the fall and lasts for about 18 weeks, while the second semester starts in the spring and lasts for 17 weeks. So this level of education will have about 35 weeks of formal learning.
  • Answering the question “How many school weeks are there in a year?”, continuing education institutions (including middle and high school levels) organize the school year into 2 official semesters, lasting 32 weeks (of which 16 weeks are divided equally). per semester)
  • Education level from University or higher: Students attending universities will usually have 3 semesters a year, including 2 main semesters and 1 extra semester. In particular, the 2 main semesters will last 15 weeks/term and about 3-4 hours for the final exam. The extra semester will be shorter in duration with 5 weeks of actual study and about 1-2 months for final exams.

Conclusion of the topic “How many weeks are there in a year in 2024”

It can be seen that, although there are differences in the number of weeks in months and the arrangement of dates in each year, the total number of weeks in a year is almost unchanged. The only difference lies in whether the year is a leap year or not. That's also the reason why week calculation methods are easy to apply and remember, allowing you to use them anywhere and anytime.

Thus, the article has provided you with useful methods to calculate How many weeks are there in 1 year?and also answer questions related to the 2024 calendar. Don't forget to follow along Hoang Ha Mobile to update more useful information about technology tips and life tips.

See more:

  • How many days left until Tet 2024? Countdown to Tet 2024
  • What is Countdown? Where will Countdown 2024 be held in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City?


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