Top 20 trò chơi dân gian phổ biến dành cho trẻ em phổ biến nhất

Top 20 trò chơi dân gian phổ biến dành cho trẻ em phổ biến nhất

Folk games In our country extremely diverse and handed down for generations. This is one of the factors contributing to our country's culture more beautiful. However, in modern life today, children are less exposed to these types of games. Here, we will suggest 20 games in folk to make children more cohesive and creative!

Folk games help develop reflexes

First, we will share games of the group to help children develop reflexes. At the same time increase creativity as well as skills for children to develop comprehensively.


Surely, for generations 8x, 9x, this is a familiar childhood game. Nowadays, Folk games Still handed down from grandparents to children, especially in rural areas. To teach children this game, you first need to gather at least 3 people to sit in a circle. Including one person to spread the hand and the other members placed the index finger on the palm of the hand. Next, all the participants will read the rhyme “Chi Chi Choi, the fire blowing fire …. Bu à ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù à á ”.


When the rhyme ends, the people who put the index finger on the palm of their hands need to quickly collect their hands. If the person is grasped by the person, the member lost and became the person in the next game. In case many people are arrested at the same time, there will be rock paper scissors. Through this game, children have the opportunity to contact, have fun together and practice reflexes.

Folklore folklore

One Folk games Helps increase reflexes for children that are rock paper scissors. This game needs 2 friends opposite, then you disseminate the rules for children. The shapes specified in the game are as follows: Holding hands are hammer or punching, leaves are leaves or sheets, 2 index and middle fingers are pulled in the index finger.


And in principle, scissors will cut leaves or needles to torn leaves, leaves surrounded hammer, hammers. When the two of them sat opposite, looked at each other and swayed with the phrase “rock scissors out of this.” At this time, the two will give the shape that they choose and defeat the above principle.

Frog in the pond

Folk games Frogs in the pond are quite interesting by many children. First, you draw a circle and then put the child into it to play the frogs. Outside the circle is a child holding a fishing rod in the role of a hunter. When speaking, the members will sing “Frogs in the pond, just stop showing, …”


At the end of the rhyme, the frog members will jump out of the circle. The duties of frog hunters will have to chase them. If the frog person touches the string, he or she must change the shoulder in the next game.

Goat blindfold – attractive folk games

Before starting the game in the folklinders to catch goats, the members needed rock paper. Those who lose, they must blindfold and the remaining members will make goats. If within the classroom, the members who do not participate will be arranged in a circle. Babies blindfolded will find children to make goats in that circle. When the child is captured by the eye, the game ends and changes positions for each other.


Games in folk leeches

If you are looking Folk games Helps increase reflexes for children, do not miss the tortoise. This game is quite interesting that makes children excited. The game of leeches needed a group of children standing in a circle, including a leech. After finishing the squad, all the members read the rhyme together: “Drop leeches, do not catch women, … that house must suffer”.

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While reading the rhyme, the leech will go around and point to each child, each person will correspond to a word. Children who stop at the end will make the other river run quickly on the sides. If a baby is given a leech, it will change the position and continue the new game.


Folk games Buds need a group of children to participate. In particular, everyone has to hold hands and stacked on top of each other to alternate not to keep their hands close together. Next, all members sing loudly the song “The bunch of bunches of bunches, hands and fairy hands, … it screeched”.


Each word in the rhyme will correspond to a fist until the end. At this time, the first hand must withdraw his hand or tighten the fist of the person. Thus, the person who will be replaced for the position of the singer and only holds hands.

Folk games scissors

For this folk game only two people need to sit opposite each other. Two people stretched out and set foot on each other, clenched their hands. The game begins when the two of them are ready and sing the song “Scissors and cut, … to suck a little mother”. Through each beat, the two will pull/push their hands towards themselves or the opponent. The last person holding his hand to his side will win and end the game.


Cast coconut trees, leaving thin trees

For Folk games Hey, put your child in a circle to sit on the floor, his legs straight forward. The first person will count the pass, each member followed each other to read the song “Casting coconut trees leaving thin trees, squash trees, etc.


At this time, the last word in the rhyme belongs to whose foot, the person quickly shrinks. Then continue the game and who is the first two legs will win. The other person who has not been indented in the game is the loser.

Folk folk games

The game in folklore is simple but makes children quite excited. First, put your child in a row along a 10 or more people. In particular, the first person raised his hand forward, the members behind placed their shoulders on each other to form a train. When the “steep trains” command, the members of the train delayed slowly on the toes. When the “downhill” command, the members of the train were slow on heels.



Folk games Counting stars with gentle content helps children have more reflexes and activity. First, gather the children to sit in a circle under the background and a child standing outside. Next, everyone sang the song “A bright star, two stars, etc. To 10 stars. ”


With each word in the lyrics, children standing outside the circle will patting each person's shoulder. From the last one to fall into the person, the person had to sing the song again seamlessly. If stopping or singing wrong, the person is punished and continue to play a new game.

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Folk games promote solidarity

Via Folk games Also helps children enhance collective, sociable with people. This is a good skill and platform that helps children in the future.

Shoal boat racing

On land racing game is organized as follows:

  • Divide children into small groups from 7 to 8 people
  • Let children sit in parallel rows, children sit behind the legs of the previous person
  • When shouting the slogan, all the boats will have to use their hands against the ground, lifting people to move to the destination
  • This game requires members to stick to each other
  • Those boats are late or broken will lose.


Folk folk game flying storks

Games in folk birds flying storks need a group of children standing in a circle and have a joke. Next, the manager of the slogan “Bird Bay” then Giang's arm and jumped up. The other members also shout and do the same as the joke. However, you just jump up for animals that can fly like birds, storks, … For objects that cannot fly such as trees, tables, chairs, … will not jump. If a child jumps up in non -flying objects will be punished.


Snake dragon on the clouds

Next, one Folk games It is possible to organize for children to experience that dragon snake on the clouds. This game needs a group of small friends from 6 to 7 people, including one owner to sit in front. The remaining friends will be in line and grabbed the front of the person in the front around the yard. As soon as you go, everyone read together “Snake dragon on the clouds, there are trees in the shake with a house …”


At the end of the rhyme, the leader will stop in front of the landlord and wait for feedback. If the landlord does not ask, continue walking around the yard. If the landlord asked: “Give the first song” – the members will answer “full bones”. The landlord continued to ask “Let me ask for the middle” – the members will say “nothing delicious”. In case the landlord asked “give me the tail” – the members answered “chasing, then eat”.

At this time, the landlord will chase the last person in the line. The mission of the head is to block the host, the other members avoid flexibly so that the last person will not be arrested. If the last person will be captured, they will replace the position of the host and play a new game.

Steal flag

Stealing flags is one of the Folk games loved by many children. The rules of the game robbery are as follows: Divide the children into 2 teams corresponding to each count. Next, draw the starting line, the finish line and the circle to the flag. When the manager reads the number, the member who carries that number will have to run quickly to rob the flag.

Crocodile ashore – Interesting folk games

With this folk games only need 3 to 4 children. First you need rock paper scissors to see who plays a crocodile, the rest are human. Next, draw the lines of division on the shore and underwater – the scope of the crocodile. The purpose of the crocodile is to make players invade or touch the water into the water. If the crocodile catches people, the person will replace the position and continue playing.

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Dog -drop

Drop dog is one of the Folk games Give children more solidarity and cohesion between members. The rules of dog drop game will have 1 person in the role of the landlord, one in the role of the dog, the other children are young rabbits. The mission of the landlord tilted his right hand and the friends stood around the left finger.


To start the game, everyone sang the song “Ve Ve beams, fish balls floating fire, … rushing”. As soon as the last sentence ends, people take the initiative to withdraw their hands and will be held by the boss. If anyone is grasped by the boss, he will play the dog. Next, the boss's mission is to describe objects for rabbits to run and touch and the dog appears. Therefore, rabbits need to touch the object quickly and then return to touch the boss. If the rabbit meets the dog, you have to stretch and cross the back to not be caught. If the rabbit stands up and runs back by the dog, he will change his shoulder.

Cat chasing mice

Folk games Cats chasing mice are popularly organized during extracurricular hours, gymnastics at preschool and elementary school. With this game need a cat, a mouse, the other members stand in a circle. First, cats and mice standing back together, when a cat slogan will return to chase the mouse.


Folk games make children enhance movement

Next, we will introduce the game to help children exercise and improve fitness. The way to organize these games is also very simple and makes children excited.


The folk game of dance is also loved by many children. Depending on the number of children participating to divide into adequate teams. In order to organize this game, it is necessary to prepare a wide, firm, and make sure the game does not tear. After that, each member entered the bag, holding his mouth tightly and jumping forward. On the other hand, until the team is completed first, the victory.


Folk game tug of war

Tug of war is a folk game that is often held on popular festivals and sports competitions. To play tug of war, it is necessary to be divided into 2 teams, each team is about 8-10 people. After that, each team will hold one side of the rope with a central point. The two teams will use the force to pull towards them, if any team pulls the string through their line, they will win.


Content chestnut

Finally, one of the folk games for children is the use of content. Draw the circles on the background so that the number of circles is less than the number of players. Next, the child will hold each other through the circles and read the articles of the dung dung dung, … to the last sentence, each person must quickly sit in the circle. People who do not find a circle to sit down will lose.



Thus, we introduced 20 Folk games Popular for children. The organization of children playing games in folklore to connect between members as well as reflexes. Please follow the fanpage Hoang Ha Mobile To always update attractive, interesting information!

See also:

  • Draw the house: Instructions on the simplest and most beautiful drawing
  • Comic Warehouse: Websites with the most impressive comic book list


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