Tuổi Nhâm Tý 1972 xây nhà năm 2023 có tốt? 5 Lưu Ý Quan Trọng

Tuổi Nhâm Tý 1972 xây nhà năm 2023 có tốt? 5 Lưu Ý Quan Trọng

Facing the three disasters and the long wind, homeowners born in the year of the Rat, 1972, cannot build a house in 2023 smoothly. Because it can have a negative impact on the family, bringing disasters, constant hardship, and frequent trouble.

In addition to neutralizing three disasters and long needles, to start building a house smoothly, you need to pay attention to a number of other factors. This ensures that the construction process goes smoothly and is completed quickly. Akisa can provide detailed support and advice on home building for homeowners born in the year of the Rat, 1972.

Horoscope information for the year of the Rat in 1972

Overview of the horoscope for the year of the Rat according to feng shui concepts

  • Year of birth: February 15, 1972 – February 2, 1973
  • Lunar year of birth: January 1, 1972 – December 31, 1972
  • Heavenly stem: Nham
  • Local branch: Ty
  • Five elements: Dry Tang Wood – Mulberry wood
  • Destiny hexagram:
  • Nam Nham Ty 1972: Kham palace, Water destiny, belongs to the Eastern Four destiny.
  • Female Nham Ty 1972: Can, Earth element, belongs to the Western Four elements

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Explanation for people born in the year of the Rat to build a house in 2023

To determine the possibility of building a house in 2023 for homeowners born in 1972 (year of the Rat), it is important to consider whether there are feng shui limiting factors that need to be followed. From a feng shui perspective, to carry out construction in 2023, people born in the year of the Rat need to limit the relationship with tai tue, royal snail, tam tai and metal lau in their home architecture.

Thai tue

Thai Tue plays the role of a key star in a year, capable of influencing the favorable or unfavorable situation in that year. To avoid difficulties, careful analysis and consideration are important.

People affected by Thai Tue need to consider carefully and limit making big decisions such as starting a new project, building a house, getting married, doing business together… To ensure success, they It is necessary to neutralize the impact of Thai Tue and avoid hasty actions that lead to disruption of plans.

Accordingly, homeowners born in the year of the Rat in 1972 will experience a year of death in 2032 (60-year cycle).

>>> See more: What is Thai Tue? How to Calculate Pham Thai Tue's Age & Solve the Limit

Three ears

The San Tai refers to a series of three consecutive years containing disasters and conflicts. A simple way to understand it is conflict for three consecutive years. If you build a house in the year of Tam Tai, there is a risk of encountering unwanted events and unforeseen situations that may occur.

Therefore, limiting construction during Tam Tai is necessary to ensure the safety and smooth running of the family. This is a lesson from long experience passed down from generation to generation, and we should respect and follow it to avoid unnecessary risks.

The calculation of Tam Tai year is done as follows:

  • Born in the years of Monkey, Rat, Dragon: The years of Tiger, Cat, and Dragon are the years of Tam Tai.
  • Born in the years of Pig, Cat, and Goat: The years of Snake, Horse, and Goat are the years of Tam Tai.
  • Born in the year of the Snake, Rooster, and Ox: The years of the Pig, Rat, and Ox are the years of the Three Tai.
  • Born in the years of Tiger, Horse, and Dog: The years of Monkey, Rooster, and Tuat are the years of Tam Tai.
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Accordingly, 2023 is the year of the Cat, not among the years of three disasters for homeowners born in the year of the Rat in 1972.

>>> See more: What is Tam Tai? How to Calculate the Three Tai Terms & Resolve EFFECTIVELY

Wild snail

Hoang Oc is often understood as a place where demons reside, a symbol of desolation and bad luck in the house. Therefore, people often avoid building or repairing houses in the year when Hoang Oc is encountered.

The Hoang Oc age cycle is divided into 6 palaces: one Cat, two Nghi, three Dia Sat, four Tan Tai, five Tho Tu, and six Hoang Oc. This age calculation is based on combining geologic factors over a 60-year cycle. This helps determine the exact starting age of each sign and creates a 60-year cycle to return to the original age.

Calculate Hoang Oc's term based on Hoang Oc's hand

Calculate Hoang Oc's term based on Hoang Oc's hand

According to the above calculation: The homeowner born in the year of Nham Tuat builds a house in 2023 and the mother's age is (2023-1972+1=52), we determine the starting age of 50 as Ngu Tho Tu. Then, count your age clockwise to find the 52 year old sign, we have: 51 year old Luc Hoang Oc sign, 52 year old Nhat Cat sign, this is a good Hoang Oc sign.

>>> See more: What is Hoang Oc? How to calculate & resolve the Hoang Oc term when building a house

Kim long

Considering the Sino-Vietnamese meaning “Kim Lau means golden house in which Kim means gold, Lau means house”, the origin of the term Kim Lau originates from the existing view that daughters in the families of kings and elites Nobles will make marriages and establish families around the time when they reach the age of Golden Lau. The goal of this is to ensure a prosperous and prosperous life with valuable assets such as gold, silver, gems and other symbolic assets.

Therefore, the kingly and mandarin class raised hopes that the promotion of wealth and prosperity in life would not be affected by marriage, and they imposed restrictions on the common people, not allowing them to advance. Carry out wedding ceremonies and build houses in the years that contain the age of Kim Lau.

To calculate the long term, take the woman's age and divide it by 9, then consider the remainder. With 3 balances: 1, 3, 6, 8, the homeowner will have Kim Lau term.

  • Balance of 1 year old Kim Lau Than: Kim Lau for the owner of that year.
  • Balance 3 years old Kim Lau The: Kim Lau relates to the wife or women in the family.
  • Balance 6 years old Kim Lau Tu: Kim Lau relates to children.
  • Balance of 8 years old Kim Lau Luc Suc: Kim Lau is related to pets and business.

According to the above calculation: In 2023, the homeowner born in the year of Nham Ty 1972 has a mother who is 52 (years old).

=> 52/9=5 remainder 6. In 2023, people born in the year of the Rat 1972 violate the Kim Lau Tu limit.

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>>> See more: What is Kim Lau? Instructions for calculating Kim Lau's age and how to solve it

Analysis table of Tam Tai, Hoang Oc, Kim Lau, Thai Tue according to Nham Ty age 1972 to 2023


Essay on the year of the Rat

Consider the age of building a house in 2023

Thai tue

In 2023 (Qi Mao), the homeowner will turn 52 years old.

According to the 60-year cycle, 2032 may be the Thai Tue year of the year of the Rat.

Three ears

Homeowners born in the year of the Rat need to avoid the three years of Tiger, Cat, and Dragon.

The year of building a house is 2023 (Qi Mao), which will cause three disasters.

Kim long

In 2023 (Qi Mao), the homeowner will turn 52 years old.

According to this calculation, it will violate the long term limit.

Wild snail

In 2023 (Qi Mao), the homeowner will turn 54 years old.

According to the above calculation, people born in the year of Nham Ty do not commit a crime.

Some Nham Ty people may decide to build a house in 2023 even though they know that this is not a good age to do so. The reason may be a combination of personal desires and other factors such as location, time, and financial resources. In this situation, careful research and consultation with feng shui experts can help minimize the negative effects of the three ears and long needles.

What do people born in the year of the Rat need to do if they want to build a house in 2023?

“Borrowing one's age to build a house” means choosing a person of appropriate age for that year to be the owner of a construction project. This person will become the symbolic owner of the project and bring his or her age as a positive basis for construction. The idea behind this is that this person will be more influenced by the feng shui elements of the year than the person who actually owns the house. This helps keep the construction progress and does not put the real owner in a “dated” situation.

  • Choose the right time: Avoid choosing people who are in a state of bereavement and limit it to difficult times such as Tam Tai, Kim Lau, Hoang Oc and Thai Tue. These periods often bring unfavorable energy and can create difficulties during the building process.
  • Choosing men: Priority is given to choosing men to borrow age. In case possible, this person should be older than the homeowner to ensure the best efficiency for borrowing age to build a house.
  • Limit one person to borrow age: The person chosen to borrow age should only be for one person to borrow age from. Do not allow two people to borrow age at the same time. This helps avoid negative impacts on both borrowers.
  • Good health: The borrower needs to be in good health to be able to complete construction work over a long period of time. This ensures that the project is carried out smoothly and without health problems.

>>> See more: What is borrowing age to build a house? In what cases should the homeowner borrow age to build a house?

Other notes for people born in the year of the Rat to build a house in 2023

Here are a few notes to help make the home building process convenient and smooth:

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Make a detailed financial plan

Lack of capital can cause projects to be abandoned, prolong completion time and cause many difficulties during the construction process. This demonstrates the importance of ensuring there is enough capital for every stage of a construction project. By identifying and maintaining a coherent financial plan from the beginning, both residents and developers can minimize financial risks and ensure that the project will proceed smoothly and efficiently. Completed on schedule.

Prepare fully all legal procedures

To ensure the house construction process goes smoothly, preparing all legal documents is extremely important. Before starting construction work, making sure you have a land use right certificate and a construction permit from the competent authority is an indispensable step. This action ensures that you have the legal right to own the land and are allowed to carry out construction work in accordance with the law.

Health progresses well

Building a house requires heavy physical work and often lasts for a long time. Health and energy are required to participate in activities such as digging, transporting materials, executing construction work, etc. The construction process requires you to be able to monitor the work and ensure everything is done. take place as planned. If poor health makes it difficult for you to participate in these activities, collaborating with others to monitor the construction process may be appropriate.

Pay attention to the direction of the house according to feng shui

For people born in the year of the Rat, choosing the right house direction includes East, North, Southeast and South. The correct choice of house direction related to this age's destiny helps homeowners take advantage of positive energy from nature and optimize feng shui elements in the house. This not only creates balance and harmony for the living space but also attracts luck and fortune.

By taking advantage of directions suitable for the destiny of the year of the Rat, you can create a good living environment for your family, while creating favorable conditions for development and prosperity.

People born in the year of the Rat are compatible with the East, North, Southeast and South house directions

People born in the year of the Rat are compatible with the East, North, Southeast and South house directions

Choose a time to build a house

Avoiding construction during the rainy season, storms or cold winter is an extremely sensible way to ensure there is no negative impact on the construction process. Unfavorable weather factors can delay work and cause structural and quality problems. By choosing spring and summer for construction, you have the opportunity to maximize work efficiency and ensure that the house will be completed on schedule and to the best quality.


Above is an article about building a house in 2023 for people born in the year of the Rat. However, in addition to paying attention to the year of age, the importance of appropriate interior arrangement according to feng shui cannot be ignored. Feng shui interior arrangement can create a positive, cozy living environment and create favorable conditions for family growth and prosperity.

Choosing colors, objects and interior arrangements based on feng shui principles can have a profound impact on the soul and spirit of the home. Decisions such as bed position, main door direction, desk arrangement, etc. can all affect wealth and family situation.

If you want to have a beautiful and feng shui home design, contact Akisa. Our experts can provide advice and support to create a living space that suits feng shui and benefits you and your family.


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