CV là gì? Những lưu ý để viết CV xin việc chuyên nghiệp, gây ấn tượng

CV là gì? Những lưu ý để viết CV xin việc chuyên nghiệp, gây ấn tượng

A CV is one of the necessary requirements for you when submitting applications to agencies and organizations. But where to find beautiful, correct and standard CV templates? How to write a CV to create attention and impression? CV writing skills are one of the important skills, helping you create a quality CV and safely pass the application round. Join Hoang Ha Mobile to learn how to write skills effectively in the article below.

What is a job application CV?

CV plays an important role and is a necessary skill. It will be a mandatory requirement every time you need to submit a job application. In an era of growing technology, there are many skills that young people need to acquire early. And CV making skills are one of them.

Concept of CV for job application

CV or also known in English as Curriculum Vitae. It is not a resume, the above information only shows some basic content to help readers know the candidate's full name, age and educational level. The CV will focus on the content required by the employer, including information about education, skills, achievements, experience, etc.

CV-apply-1CV or also known in English as Curriculum Vitae

Therefore, you need to equip yourself with professional CV writing skills. This skill will help you overcome the large number of other CVs in the application round to go deep inside. Therefore, create a unique, impressive and eye-catching profile template.

Popular and popular CV templates today

Nowadays, you don't need to make your CV manually anymore. Instead, we have many and varied sample CVs to choose from. Depending on the requirements, purpose, application industry and personal preferences, you can choose the appropriate model. However, CV templates will often be divided into 3 groups:

Time-reverse structure

This type of CV template will help employers impress and focus more. If the candidate has experience and has worked for a long time. The closest time will be placed first, the further down you go, the farther away the time will be. Candidates also need to show their promotion path, work schedule and achievements.

The structure focuses on demonstrating the candidate's skills

This type of CV will be more suitable for interns, new graduates or people with no experience in the position applying for. On the contrary, you have many other soft skills and odd skills suitable for the job. CV will focus on showing and highlighting the candidate's skills, personality and highlights.

CV-application-10Popular and popular models today

Synthetic structure

This is a synthetic CV between the two sample CVs above. This simple CV template is quite popular today. This type of CV includes both a reverse structure and focuses on demonstrating skills. With an eye-catching CV design, employers will be attracted the first time they see your CV.

What parts does a CV include?

A basic CV does not require too much information about the candidate. Instead, you need to focus on showing your strengths and what meets the employer's needs. Simple, attractive, easy-to-see and impressive CV templates are currently very diverse and available. Because of that, you will not need to create a CV manually. However, when choosing a sample CV, candidates need to make sure the samples include the following basic contents:

  • Necessary personal information: Full name, hometown, year of birth, email and phone number.
  • Educational level: Fill in your current educational status correctly and completely. You can add other relevant qualifications.
  • Experience: Write down any work experience you have that is relevant to the employer's job description. Absolutely do not fill in content that is not focused, causing too much text and being ineffective.
  • Skills: Please clearly state the external skills and soft skills you have to serve the job you want to apply for.
  • Work goals: Candidates can clearly state short-term goals and long-term goals, presented concisely, easily understood and clearly.
  • Other certificates and awards.
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CV-apply-7What parts does a CV include?

Steps to use the job application CV template

To effectively use the templates, at the same time help you understand and correctly fill in the required content in each section. You can follow these steps:

Choose a model according to your requirements and preferences

Currently, there are many different website sources that allow users to edit, fill in information and download the CV they want. On these websites there are all different types of CVs. Sample CVs are classified by color, industry group, design nature group, etc. Therefore, you can quickly find the sample you want.

CV-apply-6Choose a model according to your requirements and preferences

Fill in all required information

When choosing a sample, candidates need to make sure that CV meets the requirements they want. Your CV needs to meet the basic information mentioned above. You fill out the required fields completely, accurately and truthfully. Note: The presentation is scientific, simple but impressive, attracting readers.

CV-apply-8Fill in all required information

Check for errors and download

This is the last step but it is important. You need to ensure the correct information content and timelines. In particular, spelling errors need to be checked carefully. Don't give employers a bad impression of this error.

CV-apply-job-5Check for errors and download

Things to note when writing a professional CV, avoiding basic mistakes

Writing a CV is not difficult. You just need to fill in the content according to the requirements available in your CV. However, writing a CV to attract and help candidates pass the qualifying round is what needs attention. CV writing skills are one of the necessary skills and play a huge role in your career. Immediately take note of the following notes:

Use mainly strong active verbs

Instead of writing long sentences full of subjects and predicates, your CV will become lengthy and full of text. Candidates should focus on using strong verbs, active verbs at the beginning of the sentence, followed by object phrases. For example: achieved, surpassed, completed,…

CV-apply-4Use mainly strong active verbs

Arrange and highlight your CV to attract HR

During each recruitment period, HR people will often receive a large number of applications. And the first round is to filter suitable CVs. Each CV usually only takes a quick look at it for 2-3 minutes. Therefore, CVs with too much text and unremarkable content will quickly be ignored. Instead, you need to put important content according to the job description that HR needs at the top. At the same time, you need to highlight or bold the important content you want to express.

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CV-apply-9Arrange and highlight your CV to attract HR

Use lots of numbers and list accomplishments

In the achievements or work experience section, you should focus on using numbers. Instead of describing in plain language, candidates should choose to use more numbers to show the most intuitive results of the clear achievements you have achieved.

CV-apply-job-3Use lots of numbers and list accomplishments

Choose keywords similar to the job description HR requires

In each job description or job posting requirement, the employer will often put a lot of bullet points listing the skills or jobs you will do. Therefore, you can stick closely to the job description to choose similar keywords or synonyms. It will help HR quickly find the right person without ignoring your CV.

CV-apply-2Choose keywords similar to the job description HR requires

Tips to help you write impressive and effective CV emails

To help candidates complete their CVs effectively and make a good impression with HR. First, we need to understand the rules, notes and requirements when writing a CV. CV samples are not few. And there will still be other candidates who choose the same sample as you. So how to make a difference, refer to the following tips:

How to write a subject line

The title is an important part and helps your CV really get noticed by HR for a long time. Usually, some candidates skip this part or write quite poorly. Meanwhile, writing headlines is not difficult. You need to write all letters in capital letters. Basic content: FULL NAME – POSITION YOU WANT TO APPLY FOR.

CV-apply-11How to write a subject line

How to write content

Like an essay we learned in high school, the content needs to have 3 parts:

  • Introduction: Greetings to the employer. Dear…. or Hello…
  • Body: I ​​am sending this letter to apply for the position…. Found or read on… Absolutely do not copy content from your CV. Instead, you can use simple sentences. Fonts only need to be basic, readable and easy to see.
  • Conclusion: Don't forget to say hello and thank the HR person for taking the time to read your application email.

CV-apply-12How to write content

How to write the ending

Ending in the body is different from ending the email. At the end of the email, you need to include name, phone number, email and other contact information. If the job you are applying for has special requirements, you can add links to your profile or other social networking sites to make it more intuitive and attractive.

CV-application-13How to write the ending

How to attach other files

Comes with an irresistible email CV and some other files. You should name the file according to your first and last name and the position you are applying for. Files need to be converted to Word or PDF format so that the recipient can easily read them. Check the files again before sending the message.

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CV-apply-14How to attach other files

Websites to download CV samples are diverse and free

With the need to find and download many and diverse resume templates, social networking sites are focusing on exploiting this CV template. Depending on the purpose, usage, color, design style or profession, the CV is designed individually and uniquely. Candidates can download and use CV completely free of charge. Some websites allow users to download for free:


Canva is one of the most effective and popular online design websites today. It is considered a website that allows users to design publications or images according to their wishes and requirements online, without downloading and with many available templates suggested for you. Therefore, CV will be a topic that is not too difficult to find. Above is a treasure trove of simple and impressive CV templates. Candidates can edit and download at no cost.

CV-apply-15Website to download free CV samples from Canvas

Top CV

When it comes to CV making, TOP CV is a website famous for its diversity, connection and effective CV creation. Above, candidates or employers can not only find each other. They can also connect, read CVs and make connections with each other. The CV samples here are not few. You can choose depending on color, nature or job requirements.

CV-apply-16Website to download free sample CV Top CV


Vieclam24h allows you to edit and change your CV right on the online website. You can change CV color. The remaining information candidates need to adjust to suit themselves and HR's requirements.

CV-apply-17Website download free sample CV Vieclam24h


Careerlink, where you can find all job application CVs according to your requirements and interests. Here, the content is divided into main categories such as Simple CV Templates, Professional CV Templates, Modern CV Templates,… diverse with many different styles.

CV-apply-18Website to download free sample CV Careerlink

Viet CV

Viec CV divides and classifies job application CV samples in detail. From there, you don't have to have too much trouble finding the right model for you. Depending on the interests and requirements of the job you are applying for, choose the appropriate model.

CV-apply-19Website download free sample CV Viet CV

Work 247

Choosing CV by industry, color, design or customizing information is the advantage Work 247 brings. In particular, here it also allows candidates to edit in 5 different languages, keep up with new trends, and create quality and highly effective CV templates for you.

CV-apply-20Website download free sample CV Work 247


CV plays an important role in every application when you need to find a job. A CV with impressive colors, attractive and clear content will definitely impress the employer. It will help you pass the qualifying round more easily and reliably. Save the special tips and notes above with the free quality CV download sources above.

Don't forget to follow Hoang Ha Mobile to update the latest information.

  • How to send your CV via email professionally to impress employers
  • Create a free CV with these websites that are both beautiful and professional


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