- The number 0167 of Viettel network
- What is the number 0167 to change?
- Meaning of number after 0167 is changed to 037
- Benefits when the number 0167 is changed to 037
- How to transfer contacts from 11 to 10 of Viettel subscribers
- Table of conversion of Viettel network number
- Instructions for checking the number of subscribers being used
- Call the switchboard of Viettel
- Call Hotline 19008198
- Dial the keyboard
- Some notes when converting the number 0167 to 037 of Viettel
- Temporary
In the list of phone numbers of Viettel network, 0167 has become a popular choice for many users thanks to the quality of prestigious telecommunications services. However, when deciding to convert subscribers from 11 numbers to 10 numbers, many subscriber owners expressed concern about what the new number would be. To answer these questions, the following article of Hoang Ha Mobile will provide detailed information about what the number 0167 is changed to and the conversion processes from 0167 11 -digit to the 10 -digit number takes place. how?
The number 0167 of Viettel network
During the explosion of 11 -digit subscribers of Viettel network, especially with the introduction of millions of 0167 heads, users benefit from technological facilities and advances in the telecommunications industry. This number has opened up opportunities for communication and information exchange more easily, while helping people connect with each other quickly and conveniently.
Having millions of subscribers 0167 has expanded the scope and access capacity of users to telecommunications services, creating a revolution in the way we contact and communicate daily. Thanks to the number 0167, people can easily access online services such as social networks, news and many other applications. Connecting people through mobile phones has become easier than ever, creating a strong community and communication community.
The number 0167 of Viettel's network has contributed significantly to the overall development of the telecommunications industry and improving the quality of life of everyone. Contacts and connectivity have become easier, helping people access information, entertainment and enjoy utility services more conveniently and flexibly. The success of the number 0167 of Viettel's network has shown the continuous desire and efforts of the telecommunications industry in giving users the best experience and continuous connection.
What is the number 0167 to change?
In order to promote the process of modernizing the country, the Ministry of Information and Communications has made an important decision on the conversion of mobile subscribers with 11 numbers to 10 -digit subscribers, in order to create favorable conditions for the rules. Plan and manage phone numbers nationwide. This decision has contributed to creating a breakthrough in improving the quality and effectiveness of telecommunications phone numbers, and creating a foundation for the implementation of 4G, 5G networks and high communication services grant.
From 0:00 on September 15, 2018, Viettel network has transformed the number in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Information and Communications. All 11 -digit mobile subscribers have been converted to subscribers with 10 numbers of which, the number 0167 is changed to 037 briefly and easier to remember. The decision to convert subscribers is an important step in Vietnam's telecommunications development. This conversion also brings many benefits for users such as easily identifying and memorizing the phone number as well as creating favorable conditions for communication and connection.
With the above decision, Vietnam's telecommunications industry has taken an important step in adapting to development and meeting the increasing demand for mobile communications, contributing to creating a solid foundation, providing it to Users experience communication better and opens up vast socio -economic development opportunities.
Meaning of number after 0167 is changed to 037
The number 0167 has attracted the attention and choice of many people because it carries in itself a special meaning related to fortune in the business path of the subscriber. The number 6 of the number represents prosperity and fortune, while the number 7 symbolizes the development and is associated with the “fluttering”, “meeting” in the time of the heaven and earth. Therefore, this number means to bring prosperity and Hong Phat.
After the number 0167 was changed to 037, the number 16 of the number was replaced by the number 3 and this number 3 still brought a lucky meaning of fortune, because according to the Sino -Vietnamese phonetic, it was deeply attached to Images of money and fortune. Therefore, the transformation of the number does not lose the special meaning of this number related to fortune. In addition, 0167 to 037 also creates a unique combination between number 3 and number 7, creating a more prosperous fortune in the new number. The number 0167 changed to 037 still retains its special value and meaning, related to prosperity and money.
Benefits when the number 0167 is changed to 037
The process of converting the number 0167 to the number 037 brings many expected benefits to both users and telecommunications systems including:
- Create a homogeneity for 10 -digit sim: convert 0167 to the number 037 to help create a homogeneity in the 10 -digit phone number system. This means that the value of the sim increases, contributing to improving the value and aesthetics of the phone number.
- Increase the reputation for phone numbers: The transformation of the number helps increase the reputation of the phone number. Previously, the number 0167 could be confused with garbage sims or product marketing numbers. However, with the number 037, users can more trust in the accuracy and reliability of the phone number.
- Improving the quality of telecommunications sim number: Through the transition of the number, the quality of the telecommunications sim number has been improved. This contributes to creating a quality sim platform, supporting the popular 4G and 5G network popularity. Users can enjoy the better communication experience with fast and stable access speed.
- Maintaining the meaning of developing fortune: Although the number 16 of the number has been replaced by the number 3, the meaning of developing fortune is remained the same, so the conversion of the number does not lose the specific meaning. The special and lucky users want when using the phone number.
How to transfer contacts from 11 to 10 of Viettel subscribers
Currently, the update of contacts from 11 numbers to 10 numbers of Viettel has become simple and convenient. Here is the detailed information for you to perform this conversion process through My Viettel application:
Step 1: Download and install My Viettel application on your phone.
- For Android: You can download My Viettel application from the Play store.
- For iOS (iPhone): You can download My Viettel application from App Store.
Step 2: After successful download and install, open the My Viettel application and log in to your account with the registered phone number.
Step 3: On the main interface of the application, click the menu symbol in the left corner of the screen, then select the utility item.
Step 4: In the utility list, you choose to transfer contacts 11 – 10 numbers. Next, you will see an option to switch on your device.
Step 5: Click the conversion option to start the process of converting contacts from 11 numbers to 10 numbers.
Through the above steps and using My Viettel application, you can easily update your contacts from the 11 -digit number to a new 10 -digit number. This helps you to continue using Viettel's telecommunications services conveniently and without any problems after the conversion process.
Table of conversion of Viettel network number
Viettel network is known as one of the network with a large number of 11 -digit sim subscribers in the telecommunications market. In addition to the popular numbers of 10 numbers such as 096, 097, 098 and 086, Viettel also owns 8 11 -digit subscribers with 016x. For users who own 11 -digit subscribers and are interested in the transformation process, below is the detailed information about the conversion of the number of each codes:
- The number 0162 changed to 032
- The number 0163 is changed to 033
- The number 0164 is changed to 034
- The number 0165 changed to 035
- The number 0166 changed to 036
- The number 0167 is changed to 037
- The number 0168 changed to 038
- The number 0169 changed to 039
Through this conversion process, users will have a new number of 10 numbers to continue using Viettel's telecommunications services. This helps ensure seamless communication and does not have problems after the transformation process.
Instructions for checking the number of subscribers being used
Although the transformation process has been happening for a long time, many subscribers still do not know their new number. However, do not worry, there are many simple ways to check the current number of your subscriber. The fastest way is to call any phone number to check. Make sure your account has enough money to make a call. If not, you can also use the following methods to check your number.
Call the switchboard of Viettel
To know the new phone number after switching to 10 -digit subscribers, you can contact Viettel's customer care switchboard. When calling the switchboard, you can request to provide more information other than the phone number. When contacting Viettel's customer service center, prepare your subscriber number and the personal information you need to verify your identity.
Call Hotline 19008198
Viettel has deployed two switchboard numbers to support customers, including the number 198 and 19008198. When calling to Viettel switchboard, note that the call fee will be calculated at the price of VND 100/minute. Through these two switchboard numbers, you can receive support for the lookup of your new subscribers and other relevant information from Viettel. Make sure you provide proper and accurate information to get support quickly and effectively.
Dial the keyboard
If you do not receive support from Viettel switchboard, you can check your new number by yourself in one way:
- Make calls and dial *0#, then press the send button or button. After this operation is completed, the phone screen will display notifications containing your new subscriber number.
- Make a call and dial *888#, then press the send button. After performing this operation, the phone screen will display notifications containing your new subscriber number.
In addition, you can also text with the content of TTTB to 1414. By using one of the above methods, you can check your new number of subscribers easily and conveniently without having to have to Contact Viettel's switchboard directly.
Some notes when converting the number 0167 to 037 of Viettel
Here are some important notes when converting the number 0167 to 037 of Viettel:
- Conversion of contacts: Before making calls or texting, make sure your contacts update to make sure the phone numbers have 11 numbers converted into 10 numbers. If you have not updated, when you call the number that has not been changed, you will receive a guide to convert the number from Viettel's system.
- My Viettel application: Using the application makes it easy to update contacts with simple and fast operations.
- Update information on social networks and other services: After converting the number, make sure to update the new phone number information on social networking accounts that you are associated with your phone number. .
- Residue and extension service: After converting the number to 037, the balance in the account as well as the renewal services you have registered will be kept the same.
- Change phone number related to transactions at the bank: In case you use the phone number to receive the OTP code or participate in the transaction at the bank, please contact the bank to change the phone number information Quick and ensure the security of the account.
The number 0167 is changed to 037 shorter and easier to remember, is a mobile phone number belonging to Viettel network, one of the largest and most popular telecommunications service providers in Vietnam. After converting to a new number 10 number, users will have more convenience in memorizing and carrying out contacts. In addition to the more convenient brought, users also need to update the information related to the new number that Hoang Ha Mobile has summarized in this article to avoid unnecessary problems.
See also:
- Register Sim Government: Instructions for registering the main owner of Viettel, Mobifone, Vinaphone and Vietnamobile sim cards
- What is the network number 078? Meaning and registration
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