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How to make black sticky rice yogurt easily and simply at home is always a topic that attracts special attention and research from many women. In fact, preparing this dish yourself is not complicated, from preparing the ingredients and necessary tools to the execution process – and the end result is always attractive and delicious.

Join me in discovering how to make black sticky rice yogurt at home right now through this article!

Is it difficult to make black sticky rice yogurt at home?

Black sticky rice yogurt is a delicious and nutritious dish, loved by many people. It has the sour taste of yogurt and the gentle sweetness of black sticky rice. This yogurt dish not only helps improve the digestive system and strengthen resistance, but also has the effect of beautifying the skin and losing weight.

Huong-dan-cach-making-sua-chua-nep-camBlack sticky rice yogurt is easy to make at home and delicious

Is it difficult to make black sticky rice yogurt at home? In fact, making your own black sticky rice yogurt at home is quite simple, only requiring easy-to-find ingredients and tools, along with quick, not too complicated steps.

If you are a person who loves cooking and wants to make delicious, nutritious dishes for yourself and your family, then try the 100% successful black sticky rice yogurt recipes that I will share in this article. Today's article!

Refer to the ingredients for making black sticky rice yogurt:


Place of sale

Vinamilk condensed milk

Go to the place of sale

Pure brown sugar

Go to the place of sale

Pure coconut milk

Go to the place of sale

Dien Bien black sticky rice

Go to the place of sale

Vinamilk unsweetened fresh milk

Go to the place of sale

Sugar-free yogurt

Go to the place of sale

Glass yogurt jar with lid

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Many rice cooker models (genuine Dien May Xanh)

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Lock&Lock Yogurt Maker EJY110SLV

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The simplest ways to make black sticky rice yogurt at home

Currently, there are many ways to make black sticky rice yogurt at home and we will share some of the simplest methods for you to try. Let's see and do it now!

1. Instructions on how to cook black sticky rice yogurt with an electric cooker

Here's how to make black sticky rice yogurt with a rice cooker:

how-to-make-soup-nep-cam-bang-noi-com-dienSimple steps to cook black sticky rice yogurt at home

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 liter of unsweetened fresh milk
  • 200 grams of black sticky rice
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 1/2 box of condensed milk (190 gr)
  • 1 box of yogurt (100 gr)
  • 1 bunch of pandan leaves
  • 100 grams brown sugar (or white sugar)

Step 1: Make yogurt

  • Boil 1 liter of unsweetened fresh milk and 1/2 can of condensed milk (190 gr) over low heat until the milk boils, then turn off the heat.
  • When the milk mixture is still warm at about 50 – 70 degrees Celsius, add 1 box of yogurt (100 gr) and stir well.

Step 2: Incubate yogurt

  • Pour the yogurt mixture into a small jar, then place the jars in the rice cooker.
  • Pour warm water about 80 degrees Celsius to cover 2/3 of the yogurt jar, cover the rice cooker, turn on warming mode for 15 – 20 minutes, then unplug the power cord.
  • Repeat this process until the yogurt is finished incubation (about 6 – 8 hours).

Step 3: Cook black sticky rice

  • Soak the black sticky rice in 500 ml of warm water for 4-6 hours and drain the water.
  • Put black sticky rice and 600 ml of filtered water in a pot and cook over medium heat until the water boils, then add pandan leaves and cook together.
  • Cook for another 15 minutes, check to see if the black sticky rice is soft, then add 100 ml of coconut milk and 100 grams of brown sugar (or white sugar) and stir well, continue cooking for a few more minutes and then Turn off the stove.

Step 4: Finished product

  • When the black sticky rice has cooled, put it in a glass and sprinkle yogurt on top, mix well and enjoy.
  • You can add ice cubes if you want to enjoy this dish cold. The flavor of rich, delicious black sticky rice combined with fatty, refreshing yogurt will conquer your taste buds.

2. Instructions on how to make black sticky rice yogurt to lose weight

Below are instructions on how to make black sticky rice yogurt for weight loss, a delicious and nutritious dish:

ach-lam-sua-sua-nep-cam-giam-canHow to cook black sticky rice yogurt without being hard and losing weight

Prepare ingredients:

  • Sugar-free or low-sugar yogurt from popular brands like Vinamilk or your favorite brand.
  • 300g black sticky rice
  • 5g finely rolled wine yeast
  • Candy
  • Salt
  • Water

Instructions for making low-fat black sticky rice yogurt:

  • Step 1: Start by soaking black sticky rice in water overnight or for 6 to 8 hours. Before soaking, mix a little salt with water and add it to clean the rice.
  • Step 2: After soaking, wash the black sticky rice.
  • Step 3: Place black sticky rice in the rice cooker, add 500ml of water, and turn on the cooking button.
  • Step 4: When the sticky rice is cooked, scoop it out onto a tray to cool. After cooling, mix well with wine yeast.
  • Step 5: Mix a little warm water with salt and pour evenly into the sticky rice mixed with wine yeast. Then, place the sticky rice mixture in a glass or plastic jar to ferment. Cover the surface with a piece of cloth and close the lid tightly. Let the mixture ferment for about 3 – 5 days.
  • Step 6: After the sticky rice is completed, you can eat it with unsweetened or low-sugar yogurt. This dish is not only delicious with the rich flavor of black sticky rice and yogurt, but is also beneficial for the digestive system and helps support the weight loss process.

3. Instructions on how to make sticky rice yogurt with black pearls

Below are instructions on how to make sticky rice yogurt with black pearls, a delicious and unique snack:

how-to-make-sua-soup-nep-cam-tran-chauMake delicious sticky rice yogurt with black pearls at home

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1-2 boxes of yogurt (depending on taste)
  • 500g black sticky rice
  • 10g green tea powder
  • 200g tapioca starch
  • 50g flute jelly
  • 1 box of soaked lychees
  • A little dried coconut
  • 1 package of coconut powder
  • 30g powdered sugar
  • 150g sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Instructions for implementation steps:

Step 1: How to cook black sticky rice

  • Wash the black sticky rice 2-3 times and soak the rice in warm water for 2-4 hours to soften the rice.
  • After soaking, discard all the water and rinse again.
  • Boil sticky rice with a little salt in a rice cooker. When the rice is cooked, pour in the coconut milk mixture and stir well.

Step 2: How to make pearls

  • Mix tapioca starch, green tea powder and powdered sugar with 100ml of hot water.
  • Knead the dough until it is soft, smooth, and not sticky.
  • Divide the dough into small balls and round them to create pearls.
  • Boil the tapioca pearls in boiling water, stirring gently to avoid sticking together. When the tapioca pearls float to the surface, turn off the stove and let it brew for another 10 minutes, then soak in cold water.

Step 3: Complete and enjoy

  • Pour sticky rice into a bowl or cup.
  • Add yogurt, pearls, jelly, soaked lychees and desiccated coconut.
  • You can add ice if you want the dish to be cool.
  • Black sticky rice yogurt with pearls will bring a unique flavor, harmoniously combining the fatty aroma of black sticky rice, crunchy pearls and the sweet and sour flavor of yogurt.

4. How to make black sticky rice yogurt (recipe shared by users)

Here's how to make black sticky rice yogurt easily and deliciously:

how-to-make-sua-sour-nep-cam-de-nhatRecipe for cooking black sticky rice yogurt shared

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 box of yogurt (100gr)
  • 50gr black sticky rice (about 1 small cup)
  • 440ml unsweetened fresh milk
  • 1 box of condensed milk (380gr)
  • 30ml coconut milk
  • A little salt or sugar according to taste

Instructions for making black sticky rice yogurt:

Step 1: Prepare ingredients

  • Take the ingredients out of the refrigerator and let them cool for about 10-15 minutes.
  • In a large pot, stir together 1 can of condensed milk (380gr), 1 can of yogurt (100gr), and 440ml of unsweetened fresh milk until the mixture is even and smooth.

Step 2: Make and ferment yogurt

  • Heat 550ml of water until boiling, then slowly pour into the mixed milk mixture, making sure to stir well to combine.
  • Filter the yogurt mixture through a sieve to make the yogurt smooth, then pour into the pot and close the lid.
  • Place the pot in a dry place and incubate the yogurt for about 12 hours.

Step 3: Cook black sticky rice

  • Wash the black sticky rice and soak it in warm water (40-50 degrees Celsius) for 3-4 hours.
  • After soaking the sticky rice, rinse with clean water and mix with salt or sugar.
  • Boil black sticky rice in a rice cooker, fill about 2/3 of the pot with water and bring to a boil.
  • When the sticky rice boils, open the pot and stir well, then cover and cook until the sticky rice is completely cooked.
  • Add more water to cover the surface of the black sticky rice and turn on the cooking mode again from the beginning.
  • When the sticky rice is cooked a second time, add coconut milk and sugar to taste, stir well and cover to ferment for another 5-10 minutes.

Step 4: Complete

  • Pour black sticky rice into a glass, add yogurt and sprinkle a layer of black sticky rice on top.
  • You now have a cup of soft and delicious black sticky rice yogurt.

Some shared tips for cooking delicious black sticky rice yogurt at home

1. How to cook black sticky rice without it becoming hard/How to cook black sticky rice until soft

When the black sticky rice is cooked, stir the mixture well, add sugar, salt, and coconut milk. Then, cook again. When the sticky rice is cooked a second time, taste and adjust the sweetness according to your preference

You will feel the soft and supple black sticky rice, the outside is crispy, fragrant and delicious enough, not too hard or mushy.

2. How to make black sticky rice yogurt that will last for a long time

To use it for a long time, after cooking you need to store it properly.

You need to store black sticky rice and yogurt separately. Place the black sticky rice in a glass or ceramic container and store it in a separate cooler. When you want to enjoy, mix black sticky rice into yogurt.

If you have combined yogurt and black sticky rice, consume within 3 to 5 days after making it or purchasing the product from the manufacturer.

3. How to preserve homemade black sticky rice yogurt

How to preserve homemade black sticky rice yogurt is very important to ensure safety and deliciousness. Here's how you can best preserve it:

  • Separate black sticky rice: Store black sticky rice in a glass or ceramic box and place in the refrigerator.
  • Combine before eating: When you want to enjoy, mix black sticky rice and yogurt together. This will help the black sticky rice yogurt to be preserved longer.
  • Observe the expiration date: You should only use black sticky rice yogurt within about 3 – 5 days from the date of making or purchasing the product. Avoid consumption after this time to ensure food hygiene.

How to choose delicious, quality black sticky rice

how-to-make-sour-sour-nep-cam-deliciousChoose to buy delicious black sticky rice

When choosing black sticky rice to ensure deliciousness and quality, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Color: Delicious black sticky rice is usually dark purple, and the belly is light yellow. Black sticky rice seeds have a slightly flat shape but are not too flat and still maintain a round shape.
  • Hardness: You should choose firm black sticky rice grains that will not break or crumble easily when cooked. Hard black sticky rice often has beautiful, durable seeds.
  • Seed surface: Check the surface of the black sticky rice seeds, it should not have humus or any unusual colors.
  • Scent: Avoid buying black sticky rice with unusual color and scent, showing signs of mold, because this is poor quality black sticky rice and not suitable for use in rice dishes.

Refer to where to buy delicious rice:

Best place to buy lazada-buy-now

42,000 VND

Buy now tiki-buy-now

39,000 VND

Buy now

Health benefits of black sticky rice yogurt

Black sticky rice yogurt has many health benefits:

  • Cardiovascular protection: Black sticky rice yogurt contains compounds such as Ergosterol and Lovastatin, which help prevent cardiovascular diseases and regulate blood pressure.
  • Blood-boosting: Black sticky rice has a higher protein and fat content than regular sticky rice, providing nutrients that are good for heart health and helping to replenish blood, especially effective for women during pregnancy and after giving birth.
  • Supports the digestive system and weight loss: Black sticky rice yogurt contains many beneficial bacteria to help improve the digestive system and reduce weakness, while also supporting the weight loss process.
  • Osteoporosis prevention: Black sticky rice yogurt contains important magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus to help prevent osteoporosis and enhance bone health.
  • Beautify the skin: In addition to its health benefits, black sticky rice yogurt also improves the skin, brightens and smooths the skin, fights aging and moisturizes the skin.

See more related articles:

  • Instructions on 4 simple ways to make soft yogurt at home
  • Review of the Top 10 most delicious types of yogurt today
  • Instructions on how to make Greek yogurt at home 100% successfully

Fresh Lemon Review hopes that the shares in this article can help you easily make the simplest way to make black sticky rice yogurt at home. Wish you success!

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